Logan: A Fine Example of Cuteness

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My yummy adventures

A week or so ago, Daddy let me lick a girlscout cookie. Then Mommy yelled at him. It was funny. Since then, I've had some Pepsi and even a dum-dum lollipop (though just a taste.)

Yeah, I'm getting older and bigger, and I started eatting formula and rice cereal.
No more boobies for me

I get so excited for yummy cereal!
Feed me Seymour!

Daddy's even helping me out with my culinary expansion as well.

What kind of milk was that, Daddy?
The floral nose from the hops is very appealling.

I still haven't really figured this eatting thing out yet. I always end up with food on my face.
I'm a messy kid.
(You can click on that picture to make it bigger and see what I mean about being messy.)

Now my poopy is so stinky. It's funny to watch Mommy and Daddy's faces when they change my diapers now. Ha ha!

Next time you're over, we'll have some brie and champagne! That'll make for some really stinky diapers!

Bye bye for now, I love you!
