Logan: A Fine Example of Cuteness

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tummy Time is for Lesser babies

So, I've been working on a new thing. Take a look at this (sorry it's so dark):

Pretty soon, I'll be running in the New York City Marathon. (Or, at least keeping Mommy on her toes!)

Here are some cute pictures of me. Actually, all pictures of me are cute, so I should just say, here are some pictures of me.

I'm starting to like smiling.

See, I told you so.

Pretty soon, I'll be laughing too.

Bye bye for now!


Thursday, February 15, 2007

My new friend!

So, just a few days ago, my newest cousin was born. He's named Jacob, but I call him, "gaa, aahh, goo, waaa"

Whoa, he can already suck his fingers, I can't even do that yet...

One day, he might get as cute as I am.
He's pretty cute, but I'm cuter.

Here's Jake and me with Uncle Mike.
I hope I get some hair on my chest like that.

Tomorrow, we're going to go play with him. I've been practicing my ninja kicks so we can play karate together.
Hii Yaa!!


Monday, February 5, 2007

The lamp is finished!

The other night, we went to Uncle Nate's to watch the Superbowl. Pretty much, the game was boring, but I helped make the night exciting.

When Uncle Nate was holding me, I had a diaper malfunction, and got a little leak. When Uncle Nate was done holding me, he noticed a yellowish-brown spot on his shirt. He smelled it and smelled it, but didn't figure out that it came from my butt! Ha!

It was funny.
Poop on Uncle Nate! Ha ha!

Really Funny.
A real knee slapper!

So funny, I was rolling on the floor laughing...
Hee hee ha ha FART!

Even Uncle Nate thought it was funny.
Uncle Nate loves Baby Ruth!

When I got home, I noticed that Daddy had finished the lamp he was making for me.
Edgar and Bernard...and a tree

The rhino is named Edgar. He has a gravelly voice.

The monkey is named Bernard. He is funny.

If you don't know the story of Edgar and Bernard, you should ask my Daddy the next time you see him.

This monkey isn't Bernard, but he still tells me the strangest stories.
What you saying Monkey?
