Logan: A Fine Example of Cuteness

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pet Parade

This passed weekend, Mommy and Daddy took me to a pet parade. To be honest, I really wouldn't have minded just staying in and watching some TV.

Keira Knightly looks nice.

Mommy, Daddy and I sat on the lawn near a road and a church. It was a little chilly, so I kept Mommy warm.

Good thing I was around to warm Mommy up.

I was a little worried about it, because when it started, the guy leading the parade was squeezing his cat(?) so much it was making this horrible sound.

These big red trucks drove by.
Loud red trucks

They were loud and scary.
Oh my goodness!

Then I realized they weren't going to hurt me, so I was alright.
That's not so bad.

The parade even had mini-Vader.
Uncle Byran missed out...

This guy was not a part of the parade, seriously.
This guy is a freak.

It was all pretty fun.

Bye bye for now, I love you!
