Logan: A Fine Example of Cuteness

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Little sneezes, big snots

Snots are about to fly

Whoa, those boogers went soaring.


Now that I got that out of the way, here's some super cute pictures of me.

Cute. Period.

Still cute.


Yeah, cute.

Bye bye!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lost Sock!!

The other day, when Mommy was changing my diaper, my sock came off.

Some little piggies are cold.

I was pissed!

Here's a movie of the trauma I went through while my left foot almost froze off.


Monday, January 22, 2007

When I get older, I'll get my revenge...

I'm not sure who actually picked this out at the store

What kind of outfit is this?!

I tell one day, I will get even...

Who did this?

Why would anyone think this is cute?

Hey Mommy, you think this is funny?

I'd much rather wear cute outfits, like my green pajamas.
I am a cute little guy.

Yeah, I'm pretty cute.
Yup. Cute.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I'm getting chubby

So, I guess I gained about 11 ounces in one week. That's like an 11% gain in body weight. I attribute it to the protein powder and raw eggs I've been eating.

Here's a picture of me working on my obliques:

Pumpin up

The other day, I tried to poop on Daddy like I did on Mommy, but Daddy's either smarter than Mommy or more lucky. He moved so quick to get the diaper up that he stayed clean and non-stinky.

I got a little angry since Daddy thwarted my plan.

Actually, this picture is from some other day, (it was in the last post) but heck, I'm so cute you don't mind. (and Daddy forgot to check which pictures he's already posted here...oops)

See, Daddy and I have the same chin.
Heinie chins!!

That's a natural adpatation. In the distant past, human children were born so that they looked like their fathers. This was so that the father would know the offspring was his and not eat them. It worked. Daddy only kisses me.

Now that I'm getting bigger, my brain is working better too. I used to only eat, sleep and poop. Now I'm mildly amused by things that light up, move or make sounds. Here's some pictures of me playing with my toys.

Notice my bib? Daddy is great, that's why I love him.

The elephant speaks to me

Later, Mommy and I watched TV for a while.

We didn't watch American Idol, that show's for losers.

I'm going to go to bed now. Well, maybe I'll get some boobies first, we'll see.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New baby, new couch

So, Mommy ordered a new couch last fall, but it didn't come until after I was born. I'm not sure what she was thinking, since babies like me like to make messes a lot. Over the next few years, I can't even tell you what kind of things I'm going to do to this couch.

Here's me just hanging out on the couch.
This couch generates 100Megwatts of static electricity

I tried to teach Mommy a lesson about getting new furniture with a little one in the house. When she was changing me on the red ottoman, I waited to poop until she had my diaper off. She got my old diaper off and was cleaning my bottom when all of a sudden: Whoosh! Blast Off! I got her good! She sure learned her lesson. I don't have any pictures of it which is really too bad, because this was a work of art.
This was many lessons in all at one, since I was able to get the ottoman a little, Mommy's leg, and the new carpet!

Here's a picture of me from Friday before lunch
Feed me Seymour


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Easy like Sunday morning

For me, what day of the week it is really a moot point. In fact, I actually have no idea what days even are. And I don't mean the names of the days, I mean that my little brain has no concept of what a day is. Remember, all I know is eat, sleep, poop, repeat.

But, I'm told, I can relax in bed and snuggle as if were actually the weekend (whatever that means). I guess that's because I get Mommy and Daddy up so much earlier than they need to get up that there is no need to rush. Ha! Daddy must love it. (I think that's something called sarcasm.)

Damn, I'm cute.

Here's me and Daddy just hanging out in bed, watching Sportscenter.

Barry Bonds is a cheater.

I think Daddy was telling me about something called "days" and I was enthralled.

Here's a picture of me later, just for fun, since it's so cute, like me.
goo ga ga goo shrart!

Bye bye for now!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ninja babies are more silent than this

Here is a video of me when I was about one, one minute old that is. As you can hear, I was already not doing as Daddy told me too. Actually though, I wanted to cry, but I was so tired from being born that all I could do was muster up a few grunts.

The lady you hear talking is not Mommy but the nice nurse who helped deliver me.

By the way, I can make plenty of noise now...


Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Here's a quick picture of me just hanging out. I try to hang out when I'm not eating, sleeping, pooping or crying.

Just chillin' with Uncle Da

Man, I'm pretty cool and relaxed. But one day, when I get older, man, I'm gonna run all around the house and really get Mommy angry. Hee hee, it'll be funny.


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Whoa, Water is wet.

So, today I had my first tubby bath ever.

I'm not sure I like this

At first, I had to get used to being all wet again. But after a little while, I didn't mind it so much.

I'm naked!
(The black bar is to prevent any guys seeing this from getting jealous.)

I think I'm going to like tubby time.
Rub a-dub dub

Mommy did a great job washing me so I smell good. (Of course, Daddy didn't shower until the evening so he was a little stinky.)
Squeaky clean, (seriously, I squeak)

Then Mommy dried me up so I wouldn't be cold.
Drying up

All clean and ready for boobies!
This is actually a photo of me before the bath, but Daddy couldn't get a good shot of me after the bath, and was too lazy to try to get a good one, so anyway, you get the point


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hello World!

Hi! My name is Logan and I'm an awesome little boy. I was just born a few weeks ago. I came a little early because I wanted Mommy and Daddy to get a bigger tax deduction. They will make it up to me by buying me all sorts of presents.

I'm incredibly cute. See:

See? I'm cute!

Yeah, chicks dig me and guys want to be me.

I'm going to use this website to post pictures of me because I am so cute. Plus, I'll tell stories of some of the cool things I do.

So visit often, you know you want to.
