So, I guess I gained about 11 ounces in one week. That's like an 11% gain in body weight. I attribute it to the protein powder and raw eggs I've been eating.
Here's a picture of me working on my obliques:

The other day, I tried to poop on Daddy like I did on Mommy, but Daddy's either smarter than Mommy or more lucky. He moved so quick to get the diaper up that he stayed clean and non-stinky.
I got a little angry since Daddy thwarted my plan.

See, Daddy and I have the same chin.

That's a natural adpatation. In the distant past, human children were born so that they looked like their fathers. This was so that the father would know the offspring was his and not eat them. It worked. Daddy only kisses me.
Now that I'm getting bigger, my brain is working better too. I used to only eat, sleep and poop. Now I'm mildly amused by things that light up, move or make sounds. Here's some pictures of me playing with my toys.

Later, Mommy and I watched TV for a while.

I'm going to go to bed now. Well, maybe I'll get some boobies first, we'll see.